Money Mindset Alchemy

Allowing the ease of earning and enjoying money, allows you to do more and serve more in the world

In just 6 weeks - unleash what's possible for you!

I am offering the premiere of this $1997 program for just $297!!!

It is a new offering...a ground floor entry opportunity

MUST USE coupon code "MMA"

6 video classes delivered to
you weekly

Week 1- Currency

Week 2- Creator

Week 3- Clarity

Week 4 - Control

Week 5 Creation

Week 6 - Conclusion

6 weekly Q&A calls

Review the week's class at your pace. Come to the Q&A for guidance, questions, and sharing. These calls will be recorded, so if you can not make them live - send me your questions so eveyone can benefit.

Private Facebook group AND Telegram group

Get more support and find camaraderie as well as some surprises!


I will GIFT you my 5-day "Money Mindset Magnifier" adventure (a $297 value) AND offer your very special pricing when "MMA" goes live on my academy.

The Queen of Clarity, Control, and Cash

"My mission is to profitably and positively impact 25,250 businesses by December 25th 2025 - Let me impact yours"

Lee Munch - Master of Business Bliss

In 2006, Lee Munch said bye-bye to the corporate world and left her global senior management position at Citigroup for the unchartered territory of business owner. Although she enjoyed what she did at Citi, and successfully grew the bottom line of the product she oversaw every year– something was missing. That something was purpose. Lee wanted to do something that really mattered.

Leaving Citi, although quite scary, gave Lee the opportunity to do something more- to be able to make a real difference in real people’s lives. Along came Action Coach, a global business coaching franchise. Not a day since has Lee ever thought of doing anything else. Except for something bigger! May of 2013, Lee opted out of the franchise to go out on her own. Monarch 13 was born, so was Business Bliss Academy and Lee’s proprietary, awesome results getting program: Profit Zen along with her transformational 3-Day event: Business Bliss Retreat. More than50% of her participants literally doubled their income within just three months of completing the program ( LEGAL DISCLAIMER: results may not be typical). Lee’s gentle, simple, and practical approach “melds the magical with the mundane”, as she teaches typical “left-brained” business activities in a softer “right-brained” manner and without overwhelm.

Lee makes it fun - seriously!

Lee has had the privilege of Sharing the stage with T. Harv Eker (former CEO of Peak Potentials and author of “the secrets of the millionaire mind) , working with Gail Blanke (monthly contributor to Real Simple magazine), has been a guest on “Oprah and Friends” radio, as well as a recent summit speaker

along with Loral Langemeier (well-known finance author and speaker).

Locally, Lee was noted as “One to Watch” by the Long Island Business News.


"Serving my clients in whatever way is my passion. I want the best for them. They want the best for the world" - Lee Munch

"Working with Lee is so much fun! She's serious about my business and she digs down deep to bring out the best in me. I was uncertain about what was next for me. Now I have such clarity, a clear path and I have come so far."


Sharon Nix

Owner, Beyond Events

Why I started working with Lee is because she combines disciplines. She uses the hard science of numbers, yet in a soft, metaphysical way which makes her so unique. I did not sit comfortably with finances or numbers in my business. Yet, Lee brings you in to her warm environment and invites them in like guests to a tea party and even makes it fun!


Dr. Yve Ruiz, MD

Owner, Empowerment Firm

Before working with Lee, I really did not have a business, I had a hobby that earned peanuts. Now, I genuinely do have a business, my money has gone up significantly, and mostly I know where I am going. I have a clear path and the strategies to get me there which I never had before


Gayatri Lindsey Robertson

Founder, Rebirth and Awaken

Lee takes the "mystery" (more like avoidance) of money, numbers and finances and helped me embrace them in a fun doable way. It brought clarity and direction and the simple strategies to get me there


Dr. Yve Ruiz, MD

Owner, Empowerment Firm

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